Your #1 source for lifetime fitness information; vital strategies for promoting life-long health, strength, vigor and independence.
We all age; we all get to die – the primary concern is: how much pain and disability will we have to endure on the way to our common end?
Today we know how to slow aging and delay the consequences of aging for decades, but to personally benefit we must learn about and practice strategies that work; that’s what we document on Senior Fitness – practical antiaging strategies that work!
7-Pillars of Senior Fitness
Learn how to slow and reverse Age-related Functional Decline. We bring you the latest strategies to optimize senior fitness and health into advanced age. The time to start is now; the place to start is here. The sooner you apply these Youth-Prolonging Strategies, the longer you will enjoy pain-free vitality, vigor and independence into advanced age.
We continually research the latest science to formulate practical strategies for optimizing the aging process; letting us live longer, healthier lives, free of disease and pain into advanced age. We think life is precious and far more enjoyable and productive when we are in good health. Yes we all get old and die, but our thinking is that Later is Better, and pain and disability are to be avoided.
Take the tour – How to best use our site; Find what you want to know faster. The Tour explains our content and shows how to navigate the site to answer your questions. Then act on the knowledge; you can improve your health and senior fitness at any age by using the strategies on these pages. You can also search our content using the search box at the top-right of most pages.
Practical Replacement of Mitochondria in Humans for Reversal of Aging Likely in this Decade
Some time ago I reported on the concept that we might be able to raise human mitochondria, like bacteria, in a suitable medium, and use the mitochondrial-rich brew to supply new mitochondria to our living cells, replacing those that have aged and ceased to function...
Icariin and Longevity
A recent study (references below) brought to mind that the wide ranging benefits of Icariin on health and function extend to longevity. I take the stuff, from S5 Labs, it is an extract of Horney Goat Weed standardized to 50% Icariins. I take 3 capsules per day; one in...
Update: Old vs Young Blood and Extra-Cellular Vesicles Carry Some of The Longevity Magic
Last year we learned that simply diluting old blood in the aged lets them function like younger (animals and humans) (Reference). Still, the search is continuing for youth factors in young blood that might also allow reversing some of aging. A new study has shown that...’s Graphic Page for Status of Rejuvenation Developments
For a quick update on virtually every technology being explored for repairing the damage of aging, take a look at's awesome graphic page; The Rejuvenation Roadmap. The page show the status of pretty much every rejuvenation strategy in the works in a...
Correlating the Onset of the Diseases of Aging with the Increase of Senescent Cell Population – Interesting!
A group of researchers has been building of model of aging, correlating the onset risk of the many diseases of aging (heart disease, cancers, dementias, organ failures, etc.) with with the now known increase of senescent cells as we age. When they tweek the variables...
Enhancing Health-Span: Recommended Ages for Application of Key Strategies
As we age, maintaining and enhancing our health-span—the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging—becomes increasingly significant. Various strategies have emerged as effective tools to bolster the health-span. Four...
GERD – How to avoid it for life!
In my mid 30s I started having indigestion with some foods. I read up on possible reasons for that and encountered the then surprising idea that production of hydrochloric acid (HCl) within the stomach declines with age! I learned that the stomach produces not only...
Major Benefits: Strength Training Beats Everything Else for Health-span
Strength Training offers MANY unique advantages for enhancing health-span compared to other strategies: here's a summary of recent study findings; Muscle preservation and growth: Strength training is particularly effective at maintaining and increasing muscle mass,...
Make Frank your Personal Trainer at LM Fitness Center Simi Valley CA
Hire me, Frank Wilhelmi, Senior Fitness Specialist, BS, ME, CFT; as your Personal Trainer and I will give you skills to keep an aging body in top shape into your 80s, 90s and beyond? Let me (at 85) show you strategies that work life-long to sustain real long-term...
THE Critical Lifestyle Factor for Long-Term Health and Longevity
Want to manifest long-term health and live better, longer? Implement the effective strategies I discuss below, and take up Resistance Training for life. Longevity research is in High-Gear and will accelerate from here on. Reported studies promise possible...
A newly discovered saturated fat extends the life span of Dolphins
When a single nutrient can add over a decade to a large mammal’s lifespan, we need to pay attention. That is what studies of a newly discovered Essential Fatty Acid revealed in studies of Dolphins trained by the Navy in San Diego CA., when compared to a similarly...
Why You Should Supplement NMN
Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), a naturally-occurring molecule, has garnered attention for its potential anti-aging properties. Let’s delve into the benefits of NMN for seniors: Cellular Energy Production: NMN is a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide...
Year-end Thoughts on Health and Fitness – 2023
The publisher of “Fight Aging” just put up his usual end-of-year summary of the progress made in the longevity industry for 2023.Structurally, it is a litany of what goes wrong with our body parts, organs, systems, etc. and how they degenerate or fail with age, and...
Update on a Practical Senolytic Therapy to Slow Muscle Loss in Aging
I have written before about using Senolytic Activator from to kill off senescent cells. I had been using this strategy on a quarterly basis for about 4 years, and have increased the frequency recently to a monthly schedule. However, there has been...
A New Weapon for Beating Heart Disease
Heart disease is the number one killer of men who are otherwise living an energetic, productive life. Often the first symptom of Heart (Cardiovascular) Disease is a Heart Attack resulting in sudden death from blockage of one of the Coronary Arteries supplying blood to...