
Home 5 Frank's Column 5 Training Results at Fitness19 in Simi Valley CA

Training Results at Fitness19 in Simi Valley CA

October 21, 2019

It’s been about 10 months since I started as a Fitness Trainer at the Simi Valley Fitness19 Gym. I’ve had about 15 clients over that time and I have seen some remarkable recoveries of clients who started with me in various conditions, some pretty severely disabled. Some are still with me because see continued improvement. I have found the work immensely gratifying. I spent most of my engineering career building parts of weapon systems, most of it in missile guidance electronics. The money was great, the work was interesting and challenging, but I always wished I could be serving mankind in a more healing and loving manner.

Now I get to do what I call God’s work; helping people get stronger and shed disabilities, pack on new muscle and burn off dangerous mid-body fat. I put clients on a journey to better health, better metabolism and better living through effective exercise, health-building nutrition. and supplements that make a massive difference in how well we function in spite of aging.
A benefit to me is that I keep my strength and mobility – having just turned 80, I can still manage 400 lb partial dead lifts and 800 lb leg presses at a modest 160 lb body weight. That’s not to brag; more to demonstrate that the strategies I promote and teach are practical for enabling us to live energetic lives well into advanced age. I’m having a very rewarding second carrier helping clients build stronger, more functional and more energetic lives.

To your greater health and fitness,

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Frank Wilhelmi

Frank Wilhelmi - Retired/consultant electronic engineer researches and reports practical strategies for optimizing health and fitness into advanced age. “I have a passion for living life to the fullest, and helping others to do the same.” A rapidly growing body of knowledge now enables us to extend our health and fitness decades beyond popular expectations.

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