Growing Muscle, Getting Stronger in Our Senior Years

Growing Muscle, Getting Stronger in Our Senior Years

Good Morning Healthy Seniors - and those who want to be later in life: Exercise Recovery Time is the key to becoming progressively stronger! I have been using the Static Contraction Training method now since 7/10/09, and I am stunned by how effective it is at growing...

More on Leptin – Mastering Leptin

I finally spent money and bought Byron Richards' latest book "Mastering Leptin", and am nearly through it. The book is intensely well referenced and a read of some references leads me to the conviction that his interpretation of study results is correct - the...

An Engineering Approach to Health & Fitness

Frequently, I remind myself that I'm not a doctor of anything, nor a researcher in the pure sense. I am an engineer, of electronic circuit design background, with a near lifetime designing missile-borne Radar systems. I am focused on using technologies, techniques and...

Let’s go back to Wellness Resources

Let's go back to Wellness Resources and the topic of Leptin Resistance. I'm so impressed with the well-thought-out information and presentation of this website that I joined their affiliate program. This so I could freely post Byron's articles and product line on...

2008 was an Important Year for Anti-aging and Longevity

Three powerful truths came to the fore in 2008 that should make it far easier to stay disease-free into advanced age. The first of these was the understanding that Vitamin D is critical to optimum health and operation of the immune system. It has systemic benefit to...

Potassium/Sodium Dietaty Ratio and Your Health

If you ask a practicing physician specialized in kidney disease why aging humans experience rising blood pressure, you will get the idiopathic answer - we don't know at this time. They can explain that there are numerous factors involved, and the relationship of those...

Sleep – A Top Priority in Your Senior Fitness Program

Sleep – A Top Priority in Your Senior Fitness Program

In our Anti-aging category we discuss the impact of inflammation on the aging process, and how it seems to underlie many of the disease conditions that eventually take us down the final slope of life. Now there is word that even one bad night's sleep increases a major...

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