Critcal Thinking and Risk Taking

Critcal Thinking and Risk Taking

Much of what we see in newspapers, magazines and on TV regarding the sciences of nutrition, medicine and health is misleading or outright wrong. The amount of bad science foisted on the public is truly amazing. Sometimes it is the science itself that is badly done or...

An ISSA Seminar at Total Woman Gym and Day Spa

Friday 8/10/07 I attended a certification course by ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) ( for Specialization in Senior Fitness for Certified Fitness Trainers, also known as Personal Trainers. Out of a room with maybe 20 people,...

Another Bodybuilding Supplement of Great Interest

All seniors, if we live long enough, reach a point where muscle mass drops drastically, leg strength fails, and we wind up in a wheelchair and independent living is over. This change is described as sarcopenia, and actually begins in our early 30s at a modest rate,...

I’ll Have the Chicken, With traces of Arsenic Please

I am always suspicious when I hear the results of health studies that condemn red meat. I can assure you that virtually all of these studies were done in the last 4-5 decades with feedlot-raised cattle, and not cattle brought in from grassy pastures. I know so many...

More on Vitamin D3 and Some Websites to Bookmark

I bought and downloaded a book titled "The Five Habits of Health Transformation" by Mike Adams who calls himself the Health Ranger. He runs a website called, a terrific site with a ton of information that, while not specifically aimed at seniors, is...

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