Year-end Lapses of Fitness and the Promise of a New Year

'Tis the week before Christmas (or thereabouts) and the start of Hanukkah; lights are up or going up all over the neighborhood, and I am counting the days to getting the tax stuff together. Putting our place into Christmas mode takes literally 7 weekends in a row, and...

A New Personal-Best Lift, and a New Supplement that Rocks!

I hope you will check out the latest video clip of me playing in the gym. It represents a personal best at 66 years of age. I have never made 5 reps with 8 plates per side before. The last time I attempted 720 lb was about 8 years ago, and I made 4 reps and knew I...

Women, Fitness and Weight Training

Women, Fitness and Weight Training

Women, Fitness and Weight Training As an observer of the aging process, I have noticed that women seem to take it differently than men. Particularly, men seem more attentive to their bodies, while women (big generality here) seem to attend more to their faces. I note...

Wobenzyme to the Rescue?

Wednesday, 2/22, I hit the gym to do legs again. The right knee stll had a little sting to it and some tenderness, but I had had it with patience. I started with 10 minutes on the stationary bike to get the joints up to temperature and to dull the pain sensors. Then...

More Joint Healing Mysteries

When last I wrote, I was expecting (hoping for) a healing miracle. I had started taking Wobenzyme-N on Saturday and the following Wednesday morning I awoke pain-free; couldn't believe it could work that fast. I went to work, started using the stairs again, walking...

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