Strategy: Exercise to Stay Strong for Life; Refuse to Grow Weak!
Exercise Sub Categories:
Major Benefits: Strength Training Beats Everything Else for Health-span
Strength Training offers MANY unique advantages for enhancing health-span compared to other strategies: here's a summary of recent study findings; Muscle preservation and growth: Strength training is particularly effective at maintaining and increasing muscle mass,...
THE Critical Lifestyle Factor for Long-Term Health and Longevity
Want to manifest long-term health and live better, longer? Implement the effective strategies I discuss below, and take up Resistance Training for life. Longevity research is in High-Gear and will accelerate from here on. Reported studies promise possible...
Great article on the Benefits of Dance as an Exercise Strategy
One of the many newsletters I take had this very readable article on the benefits of taking a dance class for the purpose of exercise. Learning new steps with a favorite partner or a new one can improve the way the brain works and improve balance and motor control...
Rev up your Workout with Interval Training
Frank's Comments: I coach all my client to use High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on days between weight training workouts. I especially like interval sprints on an Elliptical machine, because one can push and pull on the hand levers while pushing the legs into a...
Resistance Exercise Reduces Cognitive Decline
Frank's Comments: This article (from May Life Extension Magazine) is must-know information if we hope to stay strong and smart up to our last days on earth. Strength Training is the most important form of exercise for we seniors - I Have been doing this for 45 years,...
Make Frank your Personal Trainer at LM Fitness Center Simi Valley CA
Hire me, Frank Wilhelmi, Senior Fitness Specialist, BS, ME, CFT; as your Personal Trainer and I will give you skills to keep an aging body in top shape into your 80s, 90s and beyond? Let me (at 85) show you strategies that work life-long to sustain real long-term...
Frank’s New Training Gig at Island Health & Fitness
Hire me, Frank Wilhelmi, Senior Fitness Specialist, BS, ME, CFT, as your Personal Trainer and I will give you skills to keep an aging body in top shape into your 80s, 90s and beyond! Let me (at 83) show you strategies that work life-long to sustain real long-term...
Maintaining Muscle Mass into Advanced Age Reduces All-cause Mortality
The study that triggered this article is titled "Mechanisms by which Calorie Restriction Delays the Onset of Sarcopenia", which I think misses the point entirely. The article points out that CR is very effective at life extension in short-lived species, but not nearly...
Training at Fitness19 in Simi Valley
In December I was hired as a trainer at the new Fitness19 Gym in Simi Valley CA. If you're tired of sliding down-hill toward infirmity, let me help you on a new path to strength and stamina with a renewed outlook on growing older with class and grace. I guide you...
Frank’s 3-Day Training Routine
Let’s look at the primary means of avoiding age-related functional decline – the stuff I advocate for keeping youthful capabilities intact as long as possible. By looking at our home page you can see that I consider 6 key elements to be integral parts of this effort,...
Our body is a demand-driven, adaptable, self-repairing system that requires movement and muscular activity to maintain optimal function.
Aging is very much like a longer version of being bedridden. Slowly, over decades, the same decreases in capability occur AND the antidote is the same: MOVEMENT. Start moving and your ability to move will improve. Walk, run, dance, stretch, lift weights, play games that require physical motion, and the losses due to aging will reverse.
Along with this improved ability to move, many other changes take place. Blood sugar levels will regulate downward and remain more even, stored fat will be reduced, insulin sensitivity will improve, blood pressure will come down and your heart will get stronger. Your vascular system will actually start building collateral arteries around blocked vessels, improving blood flow to your heart and other organs. The body’s repair mechanisms speed up, things heal faster, the immune system gets stronger; you get sick less often and you recover more quickly from virtually every malady.
So, lie on the couch, watch TV, drink beer and eat potato chips with all your spare time and the disabilities of aging will overtake you like a Mongol army. You’ve seen the stories of the 92 year old Chinese (or whatever country) man or woman, still tending the rice paddy, wondering what all the fuss is over being that old. They still ride a bike to work and enjoy life with their family five generations deep. The primary difference is that they never stopped moving.
Under this category we discuss and explain the most effective forms of exercise practiced these days. Some are significantly better than others for restoring or maintaining strength and fitness in seniors.