Strategy: Exercise to Stay Strong for Life; Refuse to Grow Weak!
Exercise Sub Categories:
Training For Strength, Free Weights Or Machines
Training with free weights or resistance machines is one of quite a few subjects that leads to plenty of arguments in the world of weight training. Which method is most effective, which technique leads to the fastest gains? Is there a ideal answer to the question?...
Cardio Training – A Crucial Aspect of Fitness
The term fitness encompasses a wide range of subjects. Diet, exercise, lifestyle and way of thinking. One of the most important facets of fitness is cardio training. Cardio or aerobic training means air. Any exercise that causes us to use greater amounts of oxygen,...
Cross-fit – The perfect fitness solution for you
Many of us aspire to get bodies with a perfect shape. Due to our unhealthy routine of just eating, working and resting, our body is not able to process the food we eat and it gets accumulated in different portions of our body. This gives us bulky looking bodies. The...
Fitness Is a Skill
Maybe you've seen some of those really burly dudes at the gym who are completely ripped and you thought to yourself "Wow! those guys are tough! Well, what you may not realize is that, yes, these guys are indeed strong in certain capacities. However, they don't really...
Deciding Your Approach to Fitness
If you have tried out or looked into getting a personal trainer you have probably calculated how expensive it is. If you think that a personal trainer may be too inconvenient or pricey then there are other options available. I will go over a few things you can try...
Which Fitness Strategy to Choose
If you have tried out or looked into getting a personal trainer you have probably calculated how expensive it is. If you think that a personal trainer may be too inconvenient or pricey then there are other options available. I will go over a few things you can try...
Weight Training For Seniors: A Beginning Guide
Frank's Comments: Pretty basic stuff - read if you've never done this before. So you've made the decision that you're tired of sitting on the couch all day and letting your body to squander away and your bones to get more brittle . You're ready to do something! Weight...
Massive Muscles Made Easy
How To Grow Big Muscle So you want to grow big muscles and who can blame you because once you have achieved your goal and achieved the body you are striving for just think of all the admiration and respect you are going to get for having the discipline and...
BODYBUILDING.COM – A Powerful Resource for Learning about Weight Training and Bodybuilding Supplements.
Bodybuilding.com is one of the top information sites on the internet, and we wanted to give you some hints about using it to full advantage for improving your health and workout results. To put this website in perspective for the Senior working to build strength and...
Training in muscle power improves the functional capacity and quality of life of elderly people
By Mª Isabel Solana GarcÃa Frank's Comments: Every time the medical world decides to revisit this idea of rebuilding old people's muscles with weight training, they seem to come away amazed that it works so well. It works - every time! At any age, we can recover...
Our body is a demand-driven, adaptable, self-repairing system that requires movement and muscular activity to maintain optimal function.
Aging is very much like a longer version of being bedridden. Slowly, over decades, the same decreases in capability occur AND the antidote is the same: MOVEMENT. Start moving and your ability to move will improve. Walk, run, dance, stretch, lift weights, play games that require physical motion, and the losses due to aging will reverse.
Along with this improved ability to move, many other changes take place. Blood sugar levels will regulate downward and remain more even, stored fat will be reduced, insulin sensitivity will improve, blood pressure will come down and your heart will get stronger. Your vascular system will actually start building collateral arteries around blocked vessels, improving blood flow to your heart and other organs. The body’s repair mechanisms speed up, things heal faster, the immune system gets stronger; you get sick less often and you recover more quickly from virtually every malady.
So, lie on the couch, watch TV, drink beer and eat potato chips with all your spare time and the disabilities of aging will overtake you like a Mongol army. You’ve seen the stories of the 92 year old Chinese (or whatever country) man or woman, still tending the rice paddy, wondering what all the fuss is over being that old. They still ride a bike to work and enjoy life with their family five generations deep. The primary difference is that they never stopped moving.
Under this category we discuss and explain the most effective forms of exercise practiced these days. Some are significantly better than others for restoring or maintaining strength and fitness in seniors.