Your #1 source for lifetime fitness information; vital strategies for promoting life-long health, strength, vigor and independence.
We all age; we all get to die – the primary concern is: how much pain and disability will we have to endure on the way to our common end?
Today we know how to slow aging and delay the consequences of aging for decades, but to personally benefit we must learn about and practice strategies that work; that’s what we document on Senior Fitness – practical antiaging strategies that work!
7-Pillars of Senior Fitness
Learn how to slow and reverse Age-related Functional Decline. We bring you the latest strategies to optimize senior fitness and health into advanced age. The time to start is now; the place to start is here. The sooner you apply these Youth-Prolonging Strategies, the longer you will enjoy pain-free vitality, vigor and independence into advanced age.
We continually research the latest science to formulate practical strategies for optimizing the aging process; letting us live longer, healthier lives, free of disease and pain into advanced age. We think life is precious and far more enjoyable and productive when we are in good health. Yes we all get old and die, but our thinking is that Later is Better, and pain and disability are to be avoided.
Take the tour – How to best use our site; Find what you want to know faster. The Tour explains our content and shows how to navigate the site to answer your questions. Then act on the knowledge; you can improve your health and senior fitness at any age by using the strategies on these pages. You can also search our content using the search box at the top-right of most pages.
Massive Benefits from Taking Grape Seed Extract New Study Results
My favorite nutritionist Byron Richards (now deceased) put out a very enlightening article on the massive list of benefits gained from taking Grape Seed Extract (GSE). His article compiles and explains the results of several recent studies showing important benefits...
Testosterone Replacement in Men and Women
I ran across a series of articles on testosterone in men and women, as related to cognition, obesity, metabolic syndrome and pain perception, from The Endocrine Society. The key findings are: Testosterone in men may protect against Parkinson's disease (and many other...
Give Your Joints Time and Freedom from Immune Attack and They Will Heal
A friend of mine is a runner, and for the last many years has been nursing ailing knee joints. But in spite of the obvious degeneration (indicated by increasing pain) he feels that this is price he is willing to pay for the sense of well-being and pleasure (runners...
Attention Men of All Ages – Great Info on Avoiding Prostate Cancer
This month Life Extension Magazine has a series of articles on prostate cancer and other prostate problems. This is absolutely vital information for all men of all ages - detailing how to best avoid or fix prostate issue. If you are a man, and you live long enough,...
Reasons Not to Use Industrial Seed Oils – P. D. Mangan
Frank's Comment: P. D. is a health writer I subscribe to with great insights on staying healthy and fit long-term - read & heed! Vegetable oils are better termed industrial seed oils, since they're not made from vegetables and require an industrial process...
Update on My NMN Body Transformation Project
I completed the 3 months of taking Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) at 1 gram/day at the end of October. I'm quite pleased with the results, but I wish I had done it at a time when I could have used the gym and weight training to to make the progress better visually...
Intermittent Fasting as a path to long-term Health and Longevity
Long a practice for those seeking God and spiritual connection to Him, Fasting has very real benefits for health and fitness. The most productive and simplest form of fasting is termed Intermittent Fasting, and I explain the easiest way to do this below, but first...
Science Turning its Attention to Aging
For an update on the current efforts in science to halt aging, and the diseases of old age, watch this lecture by David Sinclair PhD. He and his projects are at the forefront of life-long health. This is well worth watching today!
Aging Reversal – Really?
If we found a strategy for actual aging reversal, even if temporary - like taking 15 years off your current age and giving you the physical and mental capabilities of 15 years back - would you jump on it? What about the cost - would you pay $100/month for 3-4 months?...
Protein Requirements for Optimal Aging
Study shows that Protein Requirements increase with age: When you see advise for protein intake in the popular press, numbers are all over the place, and there seems to be wide disagreement on amounts and sources. The popular position for aging seniors has long been...
Sleeping well in spite of aging
Let’s Talk About Why We Get Weak and Frail With Age
Look around at really old people and we see the sobering future of our own bodies - then we blank that out and move on with living today. Typically our bodies change very gradually and we just adapt and tolerate the limitations as they show up. Frailty comes on slowly...
Frank’s Recent Medical Happenings – Strategies for Repair of Aging Parts
About 3 years ago, in an ego-driven gym moment, I put enough strain on my left shoulder to peel off some cartilage and jamb the joint so I couldn't do outward rotation over the full range of motion. And, every time I ramped up my effort it got sore as hell. That also...
Why Eating Fat Makes Us Fit
Way back in 1995 Dr. Mauro DiPasquale published a blueprint for Professional Bodybuilders to get Big and Ripped (a term for shedding nearly all body-fat); he called it "The Anabolic Diet". It was a bucket of strategies for switching the body from primarily burning...