By Steven Reinberg Frank’s Comments: OK – this is yet another article backing the idea that the fastest way to beat metabolic syndrome and type-II diabetes is to build muscle while relearning how to eat correctly for true health. What is needed is a...
-esFor decades now the cardiologists have been telling us that the single-most important factor in heart/vascular disease is our Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL) count. For almost as long the awareness has been building that oxidized LDL is the stuff that...
It has been almost 7 years since I put up this website, and I find that today, the 6 Critical Keys to Senior Fitness still remain the most important aspects of living which need to be understood and attended to for maintaining excellent health into advanced age. We...
Atherosclerosis is basically an autoimmune disease, wherein the immune system is attempting to repair arterial damage. One of the most common causes is periodontal disease which chronically leaks bacteria into the vascular system, infecting the points of the system...
I’m one of those who got blindsided by coronary artery disease. Not a hint that the process was going on until I started feeling a strange tightness in what I thought was my trachea when I walked uphill. The crazy thing was I never felt it during my workouts I...